The registration
Registration of events can be done in different ways. Manually by using a computer, directly next to a machine, at your office, or any other place. For quick and easy registration you can also use the app. You want to have automated registrations? We can connect the PLC of the machines to ProMISe or use sensors to register signals like: machine running, speed of machine, etc.
Note the starting and end time of an event for downtime measurement, add some pictures for more clarification, add some comments for detailed information and select the root cause in the failure tree including the used solution. ProMISe remembers all solutions. When the same or comparable failure occurs (for example a broken bearing in a different location) ProMISe will suggest a solution that has beem used before for the same failure. It is also possible to register the time an operator needed in total after the failure has already been solved: "operator time".
Production has been able to resume already, but the operator may have had considerable difficulty/hassle because of it. The actual failure may have been short and insignificant but if the failure reoccurs frequently and the operator struggles each time, then there is reason to discuss that problem and solve it.
The App
The ProMISe App allows even quicker and easier registration of an event on a mobile phone, with the option to upload photos. A picture often says more than words. Internet connection is not even required. Quite useful for operators on site or when you need to quickly solve the failure and do not want to forget to register the downtime.