"Everybody wants to contribute. Trust them. Leaders are everywhere. Find them. Some people are on a mission. Celebrate them. Others wish things were different. Listen to them. Everybody matters. Show them."
- Bob Chapman
With our ProMISe working method we focus on the greatest asset in of your company: employees! They are your keen eyes and ears. They possess the required knowledge and experience and are key to establishing root causes of disruptions in the production process and of incidents related to QHSE, for example. They know suitable solutions and can initiate improvements. Utilize their talent! Listening to them and involving them in the improvement process is key to success. It creates incremental involvement. Employees become motivated to continuously improve as a team and eventually it becomes second nature. In this way you create an improvement culture.
Better results
An increasingly efficient production also releases time. You can use this newly created time to improve further, (cross) train your employees, or execute new tasks. Giving employees the opportunity to grow and improve will result in an increased job satisfaction.
By creating a pleasant work environment for your personnel the motivation to continuously improve together will increase, which will automatically lead to better business results, such as: lower costs, increased productivity, higher quality, improved safety standards and greater profit.